I’m Lilly Pace

Entertainment, lifestyle, and fashion copywriter & journalist. My passion is writing, but I’m equally obsessed with Ariana Grande and ducks. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

Christopher Jackson Talks 'Freestyle Love Supreme' Cameo & Working on His Second Solo Album

Christopher Jackson Talks 'Freestyle Love Supreme' Cameo & Working on His Second Solo Album

Originally published on Billboard.com

Christopher Jackson has had an impressive 2019. Between acting in the CBS series Bull and Netflix miniseries When They See Us, the Hamilton favorite shared with Billboard that he has also been working on a new solo project. 

After guest-starring in the opening night performance of Lin-Manuel Miranda's Freestyle Love Supreme, the Emmy-nominated musician spoke to Billboard at the show's afterparty at the Second Floor event space

"I feel exhilirated," Jackson shared about his big night returning to Broadway. "It's always a great night doing this show because people walk away having felt something. Our show can be escapism, our show can touch a nerve. For me, it's pure joy. I have a family of 1,000 people and they're all amazing."

When asked about what's coming up next for him, Jackson revealed that he has a few projects that he's waiting to announce.

"A couple [projects] that I'm producing, one that I've written, and I'm working on a record. I've got lots of plates spinning around."

Jackson also shared what's been influencing the creative process of this album, citing both Miranda and Freestyle Love Supreme director Thomas Kail. 

"They keep putting me in these positions, in these shows, where I continually discover things," he explains. "If an artist doesn't have anything to say, he'll be quiet. Or he'll yell into the darkness until he finds something and hears something back. That's what this is." 

Although the record is still a "little ways off," Jackson expressed excitement about putting out new solo material.

This will be his second solo album and his first collection of new songs in almost 10 years. His latest releases include a song on the Moana soundtrack and a 2017 collaboration with fellow Hamilton star Mandy Gonzalez. 

The release date for Chris Jackson's upcoming album has not yet been revealed. 

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